4_10_Принципы государственно-правового регулирования отношений в контексте национального образа технологического будущего российского общества . Наука

Principles of state-legal regulation of relations in the context of the national image of the technological future of Russian society

  • Mamychev A.Yu.

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Moscow. Russia

  • Матюк Юлия Сергеевна

    Yulia S. Matyuk. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to propose principles of the state legal regulation of relations, including those that use artificial intelligence, in the context of the Russian society’s technological future national image. The subject of the research is the principles of relations’ state legal regulation involving artificial intelligence as an instrument of state policy in the field of technological development and digital transformation of society. The methodology of the research is based on developments in the general theory of law and state as wells as in specific legal branches. The methods of legal modeling and forecasting were used to formulate the principles of relations’ state and legal regulation in the context of the Russian society’s technological future image. The methods of induction and deduction, analogies, analysis and synthesis helped identify the specific features of the issue and allowed to make a number of general conclusions. As a result, some principles of standard legal relations’ regulation involving artificial intelligence were formulated, such as ones of serving a person and society, of the power system’s complementarity, of human responsibility, and their awareness of what is going on. All principles proposed are aimed at harmonizing the system of legal recording of issues related to these technologies and minimizing ethical and legal risks. They include those of pre-
serving the anthropocentricity and humanistic essence of law in human-machine relations, fair distribution of responsibility for harm caused by the use of artificial intelligence, human manipulation by the "machine", and the risks of responsibility blurring and evasion. The research also revealed that the main task of state policy in the era of radical technological changes and digital transformation of the political organization is to ensure a harmonious combination of innovative (technological) and socio-cultural (civilizational) development of the society. This background gives birth to a new direction that meets these challenges and social development requirements, e.g. the state technological policy. Within its framework, the value-semantic content of new digital rights will be formed, based on the country’s civilizational state and legal foundations. The research results can be used for improving doctrinal and programmatic-conceptual legal acts that create a national image of the Russian society’s technological future, as well as for shaping regulatory and legal provisions concerningstate and legal relations’ regulation including those that use artificial intelligence.
Keywords: state legal regulation, image of the future, technology policy, legal policy, human rights, artificial intelligence, principles of law, proactive lawmaking, digital technologies.